

英漢字典: rub along

1. (of a person) manage to exist;pass one's time with too much difficulty;live day to day in a more or less satisfactory but unexciting manner(指人)無太大困難地過活;馬馬虎虎度日;平平淡淡過日子

    With the money my mother earned we just managed to rub along. 靠媽媽掙來的錢,我們馬馬虎虎地湊合著過日子。

    He is not a good student;he can only just rub along in class. 他學習並不好,在班上只是勉強過得去。    “How are you getting on nowadays?”“Oh,just rubbing along. ”“你近來好嗎?”“哦,馬馬虎虎過得去。”

2. (of two or more persons)live without quarrelling,etc. 和諧相處

    We manage to rub along together. 我們相處得還算不錯。

    Except for the first two months they rubbed along quite happily. 除了頭兩個月以外,他們相處得頗為融洽。

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